Capturing Precious Moments
In today’s digital age, capturing the fleeting moments of your baby’s early days, months, and years has taken on a new level of importance. Milestone sessions have become an essential way for parents to document the growth, development, and adorable changes that occur in the first year of a baby’s life. These sessions are not just about taking photographs; they are about preserving memories of your baby’s journey through life’s earliest stages.

Understanding Milestone Sessions

The Three-Month Milestone:
Smiles and Personality

According to article “The complete guide to baby development milestones“, by 3 months old, your baby may:
Motor skills
- Begin playing with rattle toys
- Hold their chest up while on their tummy with weight on their forearms
- Rotate and extend their head
- Keep their hands open half of the time
- Reach towards a toy without grasping it
- Begin to roll over from belly to back (between 3 and 5 months)
- Turn their head to search for a sound with their eyes (between 3 and 7 months)
- Listen to a voice for 30 seconds (between 1 and 3 months)
- Begin to show clear excitement when something is about to happen, like feeding or being picked up (between 1 and 4 months)
- Inspect their hands
- Start repeating a new activity they just learned
Language & communication
- Start responding to sound stimulation by making their own noises
- Cry more rhythmically while opening and closing their mouth
- Begin to laugh (between 1 and 4 months)
Social & emotional
- Begin to smile intentionally (between 2 and 4 months)
- Begin crying less often for unexplained reasons
- Start telling strangers apart from familiar faces (between 3 and 6 months)

Six Months:
Sitting Up and Exploring

According to article “The complete guide to baby development milestones“, by 6 months old, your baby may:
Motor skills
- Balance while on their stomach
- Start sitting with less or even no support (between 5 and 8 months)
- Begin to bear almost all their weight on their legs when holding onto something
- Pull up to standing, using furniture (between 6 and 10 months)
- Start crawling forward (between 6 and 10 months)
- Begin to roll over from back to belly (between 6 and 8 months)
- Sit up independently from lying down, either on the belly or back (between 6 and 10 months)
- Turn their head to search for a sound with their eyes (between 3 and 7 months)
- Start to enjoy peek-a-boo
- Begin to use their sense of smell
- Play for 2-3 minutes with one toy
- Look around for family members, close friends, and pets when names are spoken (between 6 and 8 months)
Language & communication
- Start babbling directly to someone
- Recognize their own name and react to it (between 5 and 7 months)
- Call loudly for attention
- Begin to understand simple sign language (though likely won’t be able to use it for a few months)
Social & emotional
- Start understanding they are not you and are a separate person
- Lift their arms to be picked up
- Begin to show separation anxiety (between 6 and 10 months)
- Start telling strangers apart from familiar faces (between 3 and 6 months)
- Enjoy “frolic play”—being bounced, lifted up high, turned upside down, etc (between 4 and 8 months)
- Start smiling at their face in a mirror—they don’t know it’s them yet (between 4 and 8 months)
Nine Months:
On the Move

According to, by 9 months old, your baby may:
The Motor skills
- Avoid a backward fall by bracing themselves with their arms
- Come down from a chair or couch
- Start crawling forward (between 6 and 10 months)
- Start to cruise—walk while holding onto furniture (between 9 and 13 months)
- Begin to walk on their own (between 9 and 18 months)
- Start crawling forward (between 6 and 10 months)
- Start listening selectively to words they know
- Start guiding moving toys (like small cars)
- Begin to throw objects and watch where they go
- Start to enjoy peek-a-boo
Language & communication
- Start showing their understanding of simple phrases, like sticking a foot out when you say “it’s time to put on your shoes” (between 9 and 14 months)
- Start pointing to things
- Start to babble single sounds on their own, like “ba” (between 8 and 12 months)
Social & emotional
- Start to test parental reactions at bedtime
- Start engaging in “relational play,” quick instances of pretending to feed themselves or brush their hair
The First Birthday:
A Celebration of Growth

Why Choose Us for Your Baby’s Milestone Sessions?
Customized Sessions to Meet Your Needs
High-Quality Prints and Albums

Milestone sessions are more than just photo shoots; they are a heartfelt way to document the journey of growth and love that is your baby’s first year. Our team is committed to providing a personalized, caring service that captures the essence of these precious moments, creating timeless memories that you will treasure forever.
Check out out article on the Magic of Baby Milestone Photography.